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Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Life is amazing. I'm so blessed, not only to have my own life, but I'm bringing a new one into the world. I saw the beginnings of my child just a couple days ago and I heard the heartbeat. It brought tears to my eyes.

In the chaotic world of work and being busy with this and that, it can be hard to admire the beauty of just existing and how special life really is. After seeing my future child for the first time, it made me think about my own life. How complex it is. How incredible it is. It's the same for us all - how unique that we all are and individually intricate we are designed. We aren't just made by accident. We're here for a reason and to live it out well.

We all have our own passions. We all have different talents to contribute to the world. We're not made to live for money, which is just a made-up concept meant to organize our lives in a unnatural way. Money obviously has it's benefits, but it also causes too many people to work jobs that they hate because it brings them "security." God is the only security that we really have and He didn't create us to live a life dependent on a unsatisfying job with great retirement plan.

Do what you're passionate about - God will take care of you if you alow Him to take priority in your life.

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