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Winter Going Out - Plans Coming In

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

This winter really wasn’t too bad. I suppose I can say that now that I don’t live in Minnesota, because any other winter seems mild compared to winter in Minnesota. The last time winter was pretty brutal here in South Korea was in 2012. It’s just tough these days spending most of the whole day indoors on the days that I have to take care of little baby Vivi – she also gets grumpy with being indoors for too long.

Excited for February to come in a couple days. It’s really nice to feel like spring is not far away. Without the wintertime, it’s hard to full appreciate the other seasons. I noticed this when I lived in Hawaii – everyday felt the same. I can’t complain too much because it’s obviously beautiful in Hawaii but it did feel like time was never really moving. The seasons provide a marking point in time and events for us.

These days, Sojeong, Vivi, and I have been thinking about moving to the United States – it’s hard to believe that I’ve been living away from the states for over five years now. It’s both exciting and a little bit scary to think about. Politics are way out of control these days as well as so many discontent people. These days, riots, protests, and violence are quite commonplace. It’s funny to say that I feel safer in a country that’s still in a civil war.

Perhaps we’ll move in a year and a half. With the United States in mind, I think living somewhere warm would be nice – and a place that has a Korean community so that my wife can feel comfortable living internationally. Also, Europe, primarily Germany has always been a special place of interest for me. Being a photographer in Europe would be a really cool opportunity - especially for tourist, weddings, and honeymoons. It’s just a matter of getting visas – it’s not hard to get a visa when someone else sponsors you, but being an entrepreneur/freelancer is a bit more difficult. Most people want to see that you have a lot of money for your startup.

Regardless of what happens, I’m pretty excited to see what the future will bring. Even though we have a baby and a lot more responsibility now, we still want to do our best to live a life full of experiences. I don’t think I’m quite ready to settle down in one location quite yet, and as long as I have my family with me, I’ll be just fine. The same neighborhoods and the same scenes can get boring after a while. I also want little Vivi to grow up to be brave, adventurous, and comfortable adapting to new environments.

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