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Keeping Up With It

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Most times, we have a hard time doing the daily activities that better ourselves – working out, blogging, writing, crafting our skills, etc. We often wait until we feel motivated before taking on a task. Unfortunately, we’re not always motivated, and skipping one or two days of an activity can sometimes derail us completely from our pursuits.

There are many different quotes that boil down to saying that inspiration is less important than the effort that you put into something. Perseverance outlasts the temporary feelings of inspiration that we feel. It’s perseverance that gets us to our end goal, or at least keeps us on the ever-going path of self-development.

An important aspect of keeping motivation is actually instilling in ourselves what we want to accomplish as a tangible thing. Sometimes it’s easy to just want to “be better” in a vague sense, and we feel sad when we don’t accomplish that. It’s mostly due to the fact that we are primarily directionless when we make wishes without knowing where we want to go.

When we know what we want, we don’t need to rely on good feelings and temporary moments of inspiration to help us get to our goal. It’s not that we’re always going to reach our daily goals 100% of the time, but at least creating a tangible goal will at least keep us towards knowing that our dream is also a reality that can be grasped.

Sometimes we try to take on too much. A schedule full of activities that is regularly incomplete can lead to a lot of anxiety. There’s an expression that says, “You can do anything but you can’t do everything.” We don’t have all the time in the world. We need to pursuit what’s important and cut the rest. The rest of our pipe dreams that are there to primarily feed our egos rather than build our character, are the first “goals” that need to be cut.

Who’s the person that you want to be? We know the answers, but we often wish that someone else would direct us – as if we need some wise man from a far place to give us some insight into ourselves that we wouldn’t previously understand. Of course, having a teacher or mentor can be a great help in the process of self-development, but often, we know where we need to start. Once we take the first step or two, the path becomes more and more clear.

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