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Facing Setbacks

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Every day brings opportunities, but of course, setbacks are always close at hand to us when we’re managing our expectations, demands, and drive to move forward. We can’t always get what we want. The more stubborn we are in getting what we want, the higher the possibility is of being frustrated by setbacks. Of course, setbacks can’t be avoided – so what do we do when we don’t get what we want?

It’s easier said than done, but sometime we have to just go with the flow. Other than that, there are things worth fighting for. Additionally, there is a lot of crap not worth fighting for that we think we need. It’s important to have a clear understanding of what we actually need, in comparison to what we just want. Many times our egos, desires, and greed are asking for stuff that’s not really going to help us at all.

Most people think money will solve many of their problems. However, suicide rates show that distress shows no discretion between the rich and the poor – they strike each equally. Fame? Rockstars and celebrities have shown us that the path to happiness and feeling complete isn’t found there.

Sometimes when we get imbalanced, we forget the obvious thing that got us off-track in the first place. We can easily overcompensate and not even realize we’re doing so. Validation from others, new toys, new dates, new anything easily becomes the reality for someone trying to make up for a lack of confidence or satisfaction in another area.

So, what about setbacks on real, tangible, and worthy goals? Patience isn’t easy to practice, but if we’re meant to get something, then we’re going to get it. It takes a lot of trust to believe that God will provide what you need rather than you going to force getting what you think you need into your life. This makes “going with the flow” substantially easier. This doesn’t mean that we just lay around idle, hoping that God puts what we desire into our lives without us putting in any effort. If we pursue what we want but don’t get it, we’re still going to see results in some form or another.

It’s not easy to accept not getting what you want, but you’ll always be provided with what you need if you have the strength to keep moving forward. We often don’t know what’s best for us, even changing our minds from year to year. If we pursue what is noble and worthy, then the right results will come our way.

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