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Doing What You Love

What's the point of working a job that you don't like? There's no amount of money or job security that can make up for dedicating your life to doing something that you don't care about. Life is a gift and money is just a man-made concept. Of course money has it's benefits, but living a life that you enjoy will not only be a benefit to yourself, but to others - the positive energy you create by doing what you live will effect everyone around you~

You have to do what you love. We're all created with unique talents and abilities. I used to teach English until just last week. It was technically an "easy" job, in which I only worked an average of 4 hours and 30 minutes a day, Monday through Friday, and I made pretty decent money. However - I hated it. I can spend hours and hours on-end working on photography, music, or designing. It finally took me a serious burnout from teaching English for me to realize how exhausted and mundane life felt. I tried to convince myself that I had enough time to do what I liked, even if it meant putting up with a job I didn't like for a few hours a day. It just isn't worth spending any amount of time doing what you don't like.

Now that I'm a full-time photographer, I have more time to focus on what matters to me. Now that I have the time to do those things, my life feel so much more full and enjoyable. It's true that we may need to go through hard times and do something that we don't like in order to make ends meet. However, it shouldn't become a lifestyle. It's not a long-term way to live.

Do what you love - your talents and abilities are there for a reason. Go and do what makes you feel alive. Life is a gift, not a job.

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

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