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What Is Good Art?

Having the perfect photo!

That would be great to have, wouldn't it? I would love to be the best photographer in the world. World Class, A-List, and constantly booked for jobs! That would be a nice life to have~ How do people get into that positition of being "top" of their class and have a high reputation?

Often times it's those who know most about marketing that are the most famous, not exactly the most talented. And, when it comes down to it, how do you label someone as talented? What is talented to you?

Of course, there is a scale of skill, technique, and artistic development that does into a photo. At a certain point though, the artistic intrepretation of the photo and how good that it actually is depends on the person viewing the photo.

It's all relative, it's all based on what you give value to and the perception of value that something has based on your experiences and what is emotionally appealing and relatable to you. Art is all about expression and naturally, you'll be drawn to art that resembles an experience that is significant to you.

You can't completely and objectively judge art - you can only relate to some styles and designs more closely than others. Art isn't about being famous. It's about being real. Some marketers may have the spotlight for some time, but many people can feel the difference between a trendy marketer and a genuine artist. Just do what you love, regardless of how popular or successful it is. Respect is the best reward, whether it's from yourself or others.

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

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