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Reciprocity - It makes life flow easier, help us connect with others in our personal lives, business, and it makes things just more enjoyable. It's simple, but often overlooked and undervalued. If we can learn how to reciprocate well, our lives will have so much more value added into it.

Positive interactions and treating others well don't have to happen just because someone else did it in the first place. If that were the case, then why would you even begin doing something kind for someone? We can take initiative by making the first move.

Reciprication is more than just doing something nice back to someone who does a favor for you. Everything is a form of energy, and reciprication can take a variety of forms. We can trace it to the start of everything - Since God is love, and He created us - I can translate the energy from His love for me to others. Loving others and treating them well is a form of reciprocal respect and acknowledgment of the gifts of life and love I've been given. Therefore, I not only recipriocate my appreciation back to God, I can also transfer that positivity to others. This allows more people the opportunity to engage in positive experiences.

If someone treats your kindly, don't take it for granted. The world has enough selfish jerks who think only of themselves. We're not here to live for money, work, or possessions we feel entitled to. Relationships are what last and they are the best gift that you can't put a value on. Go out and treat others well and watch the energy come back to you - then keep the cycle going.

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

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