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Your Trademark

There's a lot of businesses out there. Everybody wants to earn some cash and we'd take the easy way if we could. However, that's really not the case if you want to build something that's going to last and make a difference. So, what can we do?

In order to stand above the competition and get noticed, you have to do something different. That can be hard to do when advice tells you to follow other businesses, trends, and what's popular at the time. But, If we do that, then how are we going to stand out?

You need to be yourself and make your personality your trademark. You need to incorporate yourself into what you're doing so that other people can get emotionally involved and feel connected to you as a person rather than just a product.

You have to take the risk and produce something that isn't popular or take a popular market and find your own niche within it. The key is to be genuine and make it as good as you possibly can. So, where do we start? Find what you love to do, and then you will excel at it with much more ease than you would doing work just to make money. Passion beats money.

If it doesn't work out, then at least you tried. That feels good in itself - you don't need to get hung up on a loss, just try something new or take a different approach. The moment that you let one thing dictate your happiness or success, that's the moment you trap yourself. Leave yourself open to opportuntity, persue what you love, and success will find you~

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

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