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Try Out Your Other Talents

We may have unexplored talents and abilities that could lead to unexpected results or developments in our lives. I used to focus all my energy into being a hit musician. I wanted to be a rockstar when I was a teenager and in my early twenties. That was the definition of success for me. However, as life went along, I realized my motivations for that dream were quite shallow and were only based on looking for popularity to boost my self-esteem. It was time to change directions.

I still love making music, but I do it because I love it - not because I want to be validated by popularity. I started to explore my other talents as a result of my change in priorities. I began shooting photography again - professionally. Within the week, I was already booked for a wedding. Two weeks later, I was booked for another wedding. Interest and unexpected clients kept coming in. Three months later, I quit my day job as an English teacher. It was then, that a new definition of success for me - doing what I love to do and making money from it.

It wasn't until I began exploring my other creative talents, that doors really started to open up. After the successful re-start of photography, I opened myself up to a whole new world of possiblities. I then reviewed my mental list of life goals that I have. One of my dream is being a clothing designer. I started to think how I could start tying all of my interests together. Then, click! I started designing clothing made with photographs - photographs related to travel, music, and other interests. Go Explore Designs was launched and an Indiegogo Campaign to go with it. When I opened up the door to a new creative outlet, others began to open up as well. I now have two Go Explore stores. One which manufactures and ships from the USA while the other manufactures and ships from South Korea - where I curently live.

Try something new! Don't get caught up in one idea. Life becomes too narrow and it becomes stressful when that dream doesn't work out exactly as we have planned. Perhaps the timing isn't right, and it will work out later. Just do what you're passionate about and think about what your priorities are. If money is the only motivation for you, you will always be stressing about how much profits are made rather than doing something out of the love for just doing it.

Get out there and start something new~

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

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