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Season Changes - Weather and Life

I love this time of year - the leaves are turning colors, the air is crisp, and the light shines in a way that makes everything look and feel comfortable and relaxed.

Season and weather changes make me think about life changes. We go through different seasons in life, but there's always beauty to be found. The winter time can be cold and harsh, but there's beauty in the snow and pleasure in staying warm indoors with a warm cup of coffee. Life can bring us tests and challenges, but they come in all seasons - we just have to keep things in perspective. Just because something is difficult doesn't mean that something is bad~

The winter will be a tough time for photography. Photo sessions are most popular during the warm seasons, especially with outdoor photography. However, I'm not as concerned as most people would get. I know that God will provide, whether it's through photography session, tutoring, or picking up a part-time job. I'm doing what I love and I don't have any regrets about the risks that go with it. I would consider myself being somewhat reckless if I didn't believe God was in control.

You never know what could happen until you put yourself out there. Challenges that may seem daunting may be easily overcome or not as scary as initially imagined. Regardless, it's always a learning experience and you'll likely regret more for not having tried something than failing when you did try. The decision is in your hands. You only have one shot at this life~ You can spend it in an office wondering what it would be like to do something different, or you can actually go out there, do it, and see what comes back at you.

People pick up on your energy. If you love to do something, you're going to cause others get excited about it too - or you'll start drawing in the right people. We need to get out of our limited thinking of what we already know and understand that a huge amount of possiblities are out there that we don't know about because we haven't yet explored it.

The world can be an intimidating place. It can also be an awesome place to be. It's all in your perspective~

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

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