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Being Outdoors and Getting Refreshed

I met up with some friends today for a lunch out in the countryside in Chuncheon. It was a traditional Korean restaurant - the kind which grows their own vegetable and doesn't see many foreginers dining there. Afterward, we took a walk outside by local river, went through farm fields and just explored around nature. It was a complete rejunivation for both my mind and body since I've been so stuck to my computer the last couple weeks.

Nature has something unique about it - something that makes us feel more connected with ourselves. No matter how advanced technology gets and life becomes increasingly sedentary, our bodies still require time in nature, exercise, and connecting with others outside of using a smartphone or Facebook. Our systems are still programmed to work the way our ancestors did long ago - they were always outdoors. I was surpirsed at how positive I felt after getting that much needed time outdoors.

If we don't keep our routines and bodies balanced, then our mental health gets out of balance as well. It's important to spend time in nature, and get charged up. I noticed how my wife was so active and postive after the experience, too. Overall, since her pregnancy, weather changes, and my being caught up in work, we haven't been taking the usual walks outside like we used to.

Remember to get in touch with nature - there's something about it that gets us back in touch with ourselves. I'm looking foward making time in my schedule to do so. It's easy to think that time outside is wasted time when were so busy. Sometimes we feel like we need to study more, work more, do something productive. But what better way to be productive than to recharge our minds in order to be all the more effective in what we do. Remember to eat well, sleep well, and get out in nature and everything else will flow much more naturally~

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

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