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Professional Artist or Irresponsible Artist?

It doesn't matter what people think about you, just do what you'r passionate about~

Life is a constant fluxuation - You have good days and bad days, successful moments and times you fail, you will have a changing perspective despending on what you choose to focus on. You cannot let one moment define you as a person, whether it's a moment of success or failure. Time moves on.

Since I began my career as a full-time photographer, I've had my ears filled with all sorts of concerns. You will always have somebody, somewhere who doubts you and has something negative to say. You can't spend your time pleasing those people. Don't let your ego try to be filled up by the opinion of others. Your time will be better spent by focusing on making things happen and moving forward. Don't be bothered by those who doubt you - they are just afraid. You can be proud to have the nerve to do something new - that alone is a reward in itself~

You are not irresponsible to follow what you're passionate about. If you are passionate enough, that energy is going to move things forward and make things happen. Chances are, if you are that passionate about something, you will find a market out there - you'll find others interested in what you're doing.

God knows what you need and will provide for you. Doors will open as you go, even if those doors aren't what you're expecting. You have to take that step of faith. If you let the unknown, the lack of a 100% guarantee that something will be a success hold you back, then nothing will ever happen. It's a leap of faith. However, if it doesn't work out, you have tried something new and given yourself an opportunity to grow. If it didn't work the way you expected, then you learned something. It's a win-win situation, even if it didn't go as planned.

More times than not, things don't go exactly as planned. We can't let that discourage us. Once we start pursuing something new, the doors that are supposed to be opened to you will be the ones that open. Don't look for fortune and fame - if those are your goals, you'll never get enough of it. Instead seek to grow, learn, and to deepend yourself. In that way, you'll get something much more valuable and substantial. Don't forget - nothing is ever lost or wasted.

You're not irresponsible - you are created with unique talents. Go and use them and success will find you~ What inspired this posting is a Bible verse that came up today, Galations 1:10 (NLT) - Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant.

With that in mind - go enjoy your talents; go make something happen~

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

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