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How to Fix Overstimulation and Imbalances from Technology

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

It’s no surprise to anyone that we live in a world that’s quickly advancing. While it’s certainly not a bad thing to have an incredible amount of resources available to us, have the ability to connect with anyone across the world in seconds, or to discover new things with ease – it can come at a cost. Stimulation overload and dissociation are common effects of being overly involved with technology and social media.

Technology is so ingrained in our lives that it’s become second nature to us. What’s worth noting is the word “nature.” Nature is defined as “the elements of the natural world, as mountains, trees, animals, or rivers.” Nature is what is closest to our essence as humans, in the natural form. We can’t say that any technology is our nature because it’s man-made and unnatural – artificial by design.

When we spend too much time in technology, we start to become dissociated with our feelings, our body cycle, and ourselves. Online social interactions are not the same as face-to-face conversations. Just look at the comments section of any YouTube video or popular blog and watch people treat each other like crap through the comfortable distance of their computers. The majority of people don’t interact in this way in person – this behavior is cause by dissociation through technology.

The way we interact socially is not the only aspect of ourselves affected by technology. The more time we spend looking at our computer screens, the more our serotonin is altered due to looking at a bright screen, especially at night. Additionally, the more we focus and concentrate on the computer, the less we are in tuned to ourselves. Take notice to your posture, breathing, and eating habits while you’re busy on the computer~

With our focus easily pulled in a million directs online, it’s easy to lose touch with ourselves and live in the moment. Our body and minds have the same design of functioning as our ancestors did. Our ancestors lived in nature; they rose with the sunrise, slept when it was dark outside, spent time socializing in person, and ate natural food. They were able to live in a better harmony with nature and each other.

The rates of various mental disorders around the world are going through the roof. It’s amazing how depression is now called the “common cold” of mental disorders. Advancements of technology and the increasing rates of depression are no coincidence. As work hours lengthen in unnatural environments, our stress increases and our body chemistry gets out of sync.

While it’s impossible to live in a cave and avoid technology altogether, there are ways in which we can manage our use of technology. Technology is useful for a massive variety of things, but we need to keep moderation in mind, so we save ourselves from the risk of imbalance.

What can we do to get balanced again?

1. Spend time in nature. It’s easier to get in the moment, refresh your mind, and feel better connected to all things natural when you step outside.

2. Get exercise – the oxygen flow will get your brain and body chemistry thinking more clearly and positively.

3. Time limits on Internet – Spend the necessary amount of time on the computer, and then stop. It’s easy to kill hours of time reading articles and watching videos online.

4. Check e-mail once an hour – This can be very difficult. However, you’ll be surprised with how much peace of mind you will find if you can be mindful how often you check e-mails.

5. Post and Finish – I post often on social media and it’s easy to keep checking how popular my posts are and who’s interacting with them. Just keep moving forward and don’t spend too much time checking how many “likes” you get. While it’s good to be mindful of what material people find useful, your ego doesn’t need to keep being stroked for past accomplishments.

6. Schedule Yourself – Organize and plan what you need to do everyday. It’ll create less strain on your memory and create more peace of mind. When you finish everything you’ve planned related to online, then it’s time to get off the computer.

Only you can decide how much time online is too much. If you find yourself irritable, impatient, or depressed, then it’s time to create a balance. You need to get in touch with yourself, find stability, and you will be much more efficient in your productivity.

There’s no honor in masking depression through working harder and ignoring the needs of your body. Working harder is not the answer to be a successful person. Get in tuned with yourself and you will work productively. You have physical, mental, and spiritual needs. Respect these needs, and you’ll see a major positive difference in your life~

Learn how to further balance yourself and be an effective artist by reading: How to Work Effectively as an Artist.

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