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Art as Therapy & Growing From Troubles

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Art is great as therapy. The terms “Art Therapy” and “Music Therapy” have been in frequent usage these days and it wouldn’t be uncommon to have at least heard of these expressions. There are different ways in which art therapy can be applied, but essentially, the process is used to help bring forth a release or elicit an expression of emotion.

When you’re able to release yourself and your emotions, you are then free to move forward - your energy isn’t subconsciously trapped and stuck on unprocessed energy. When an emotion is stuck or suppressed, it can be difficult to process the feeling or even know where to begin. If we don’t process an emotion, we can become stagnant, and it’s easy to become depressed and not take any action.

Making art is a great way to do just something. When we don’t know how to express ourselves, we need to just do something and get the energy moving in order to eventually draw out the pain, emotion, or issue that needs to be addressed. Often, time is the only thing that can bring about healing; however, we need to be willing to work with time to conquer any emotional struggles we may have.

It’s easy to avoid our problems. Sometimes emotions can be quite overwhelming and we don’t feel prepared to face them. Problems may be too much to deal with at one time. However, we need to be wise to face those problems – gradually, if needed. When repressed energy and frustration are not dealt with properly, it leads to disorder, because the pain demands to be addressed.

It’s easy to drink alcohol, eat too much, have sugary things, sleep too much, or do any number of things to try to feel better. However, if you can bravely sit and deal with any unpleasant feeling that comes your way, you will reap massive benefits. You need to trust in the process of healing.

Life isn’t just about being comfortable and happy all the time. We grow through the toughest times. Babies will learn how to walk as soon as possible when they understand that they won’t get anywhere unless someone carries them. Believing that hedonism is the best way to live is a self-imposed curse. You can never be in a constant state of bliss, comfort, and peace; and it isn’t supposed to be that way.

Those who have worked hard, suffered, and overcame troubles in their lives are the ones who understand the price involved by their efforts. Those spoiled by having many things handed to them don’t have an appreciation for what they haven’t worked for. Life is about living, experiencing, and developing.

Facing hurts from the past and suppressed emotions can be really hard. However, you’ll be such a more powerful and impactful person when you finally own up to your feelings and the pain that is involved. God provides for those who ask for His support. Find your reason for being the most effective person you can be. Facing the pain isn’t worth it for the fight alone – you must know why you want to be better and the difference you can make.

For further related reading, read How To Beat Artist's Depression to learn more information for working through difficult times .

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