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Your Impact as an Artist

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

What do you hope to accomplish through your art? Often we can find ourselves making small compromises in our art in order to cater to convenience or make ourselves more marketable. However, slowly over time we may find that we’ve veered a bit too far off the artistic path we originally started on.

If you take an honest look at the art you produce and then ask yourself why you create art, do you notice any discrepancy? Many start creating because they simply enjoy doing it. However, after money, marketing, and business gets involved, you may notice the art can start to change. Life is temporary and so is money. Even though our art won’t be around forever, we may change the lives of others by creating something true, unique, and real.

No one really likes a copy of a copy. Not only is a copy of an original unable to fully replicate original, the original has already been done. True art needs to be appreciated and then it’s time to move on to the next separate creation. People like familiarity, however, there are limits to its extent. People like the familiarity of personality found within an artist’s own work. However, people tend to loathe copycat artists. If a copycat artist finds any success, it’s always short-lived in comparison to those who create genuine art.

The band KISS is a great example copycat artists. Some of their music is actually quite technically impressive and they are good at entertaining. However, the outspoken motivation behind the band is to get girls, make money, and become famous. There’s nothing wrong with fame and fortune, but when it become your priority, you’re going to make compromises in the integrity of your artistic creations. These compromises made in hopes to have others like your art will change how genuine your art actually is.

It’s really not hard to start compromising your art in order to gain some extrinsic benefits. However, the most successful artists are those who are doing the art because they are expressing themselves genuinely. Ironically, often the artists who become most famous are the artists who aren’t doing art to become famous. They become famous because they produce something different and unique. Their art is initially unpopular, but it stands genuine, which is the reason it becomes noticed.

Be genuine to yourself and create art from the love for art. Commercial success is temporary and there is no guarantee of obtaining it. Additionally, you’ll be more satisfied with the results of a genuine creative endeavor than an attempt at fame and fortune. For related material on making a strong impact, read How To Work Effectively As An Artist.

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