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Importance of Writing a Blog

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

These days, as an artist or a business owner, it’s become more of a necessity to learn the importance of blogging. It’s important to know how to blog properly or your blog won’t generate any interest and you won’t have much traffic come to your blog. A blog is important because it keeps others update with relevant and new information about what you’re doing and keeps your website active. This is especially important if you own business or you are an artist.

While any amount of words for a blog can be sufficient to produce a “good” blog article, powerful search engines generally like blogs that have posts consisting of at least 400 words. Having material that isn’t overly self-promoting and spam-like is best. Of course, you want to be keeping your material related to the subjects relevant to what your business or art is about.

Search engines are how people will find you through keyword searches online. However, search engines like Google want to provide the best and most relevant results. They analyze the content on pages, checks how popular the website is, how well the website runs, time taken to load content, and comes to a conclusion of how relevant your material will be to what people are searching for. It’s important to write quality blogs so that people can more easily find your website through your blog.

The more often you update your material, the better your ranking will be. Search engines tend to like blogs with material that is regularly updated and remains current. Stagnant websites and which keep the same material for a long time are not as desirable to search engines. Since search engines use robots to analyze the content in an automated way, you are bound to be successful over time if you stay consistent within the rules of creating “good” blog posts.

The blog material should have the keywords present often within the article. Since I’m a photographer in Seoul, I want the words “Seoul” and “photographer” to appear in my blog as often as possible without it being unnatural. However, I will embed “Seoul Photographer” into the metadata for the photos that appear on my blog. So every blog does have “Seoul Photographer” included at least one time so I’m able to include those important keywords without it looking gimmicky.

As an artist or as a business owner, it’s important to keep up with blogging and social media to keep your business visible online. For more information on the importance improving your website, please read, Why Your Website SEO Is Massively Important & How To Improve It.

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