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Happy With Imperfections

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

It can be difficult for some of us to accept the imperfections we carry. A perfectionist is always working to achieve the impossible. If we could learn how to let go of our desire to be perfect, we would be able to save ourselves a lot of pain. However, we also need to be mindful of creating a balance between caring too much and not caring at all. How do we find define what a healthy balance is?

Many of us want to achieve greatness and it’s often all too easy to downplay success when there is no definitive pinnacle in which success is obtained and remains constant. Success is ongoing, and there is never an exact point in which we can say we’re finished being successful because we think we’ve already attained it.

Success is defined by what you make it to be – to a certain degree. Some people believe that fame and fortune are what makes success. Others may think that living a life that impacts others well is what creates a meaningful life. However, I don’t think that anything we do in life can be the definitive standard of what success is. For me, I know that I’m not a perfect person, and I’ll never be able to be perfect. However, I believe that I’m still useful.

Being useful is important, however a perspective needs to be understood. To what degree we are useful is what lies in our hands. I believe that we have our own traits, skills, and naturally gifted abilities. There may be the guy who is the “alpha male” of the group or someone who is naturally more socially dominant than others. Being more dominant doesn’t necessarily mean you are more useful. You have to use that confidence for the right reasons.

How do we define ourselves as useful? Left to our own devices, we aren’t the ones to objectively judge this. God is the one who gave us our talents and unique traits. If we look to God for counsel and understanding, then we can understand where are efforts need to be directed.

Life is a process of development. You need to pass through a certain level of understanding and tribulation in order to get to the next level of understanding. It’s important to grow, but it isn’t necessary to be perfect. It’s not meant to be so. If perfection were obtainable, then there would be no room for advancement. Perfection is what we strive for but can never reach – and that’s ok.

God completes what we can’t finish - it’s all for His purpose anyways. I’m not meant to take things completely into my hands because my life isn’t lived with my own interests in mind. I live for a better cause than myself - a more broad cause. Fame and fortune dwindle in comparison to eternity. I’d rather be focused on what God wants than to focus on myself being a perfect person for my own benefit. God doesn’t require perfection; He requires a willing heart.

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