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What You Focus On

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Power is given to the thoughts you entertain. The places in which you focus most of your energy on are going to produce related energy and momentum. We often have so many thoughts in our heads that we aren’t even conscious of. If we don’t pay attention to our thoughts, we may easily get wrapped up into negative thinking and it can perpetuate itself. Being conscious of the way we think is important to keep a healthy mental state.

If you were to think, “I don’t have any skill or talent,” then you aren’t allowing yourself any opportunity to develop that skill or ability. You are subconsciously restricting yourself from doing well in something. Perhaps some people may get themselves wrapped up in this thinking because they can get some kind of benefit, which comes in a lower form of attention, such as pity. Self-depreciation is a horribly destructive way to receive attention. Not only does it make others feel uncomfortable, it’s not a healthy way to live.

This isn’t to say that we are initially conscious of our way of thinking. It isn’t until our lives have begun to steer a bit too far off-course that we decide to start doing some inside work and development. However, everything comes to a balance in due time. Of course, it’s better to understand the power of thought and it’s potential to save us from living a life less than happy.

If we think to ourselves in a positive way, then we’re able to create more positive results. While this sounds silly and obvious, it’s extremely helpful and often overlooked. If I were to compare my photography to famous photographers who have been long renowned for their work, then I would see myself in a negative light. However, if I can think in a frame of mind that is conscious of how much I’ve developed as a photographer over time, then I can see things more positively. Life isn’t a race or a competition anyway, it’s a process of developing who we are.

We should be quick to forgive, slow to anger, and live well with each other. This is much easier said than done. However, it’s possible to develop and grow through every experience. If we live with bitterness, we only take away from our own happiness. The person that does you wrong isn’t going to benefit from your hate, and most of the time, they probably don’t care that much about how you feel or what they’ve don’t wrong. For your own sake - forgive and move on, even if they don’t “deserve it” and you have a right to be angry.

This is not to say that you should suppress your anger and pretend to be happy when you’ve been wronged. You need to forgive others but also have a respect for processing your emotions. There will be times in which you will be rightfully angry and your need to express yourself. Do what needs to be done and then let it be finished. There’s no reason to hang onto hate, anger, and bitterness.

When you increase the quality of your life, others around you will also benefit from your lifestyle. Seek the right path, and choose the high road. However, you aren’t a perfect person, and there isn’t any requirement to be perfect. If you set your mind on God, you’re apart of a bigger picture and a bigger plan. With a higher goal in mind, you won’t be so caught up in your own needs and wants. For related thoughts, read Happy With Imperfections.

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