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Winter Outside, Spring Within

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Even though it’s cold outside and life can feel dormant, I have much to be grateful for. A big part of that is attributed to staying active. Today I had been able to connect with a friend back home on Skype, play music with another friend for a few hours, and spend time with my wife’s family in the evening. It’s refreshing at times to spend time with people, speak what’s on your mind, and shoot around thoughts.

Wintertime is often associated with surviving the harsh cold, saving up money, being tired, and being stuck indoors. However, it’s a great time to slow down, reflect, enjoy the company of others, and enjoy being warm inside. The polarity of the season can help one have a deeper appreciation for warm summer days.

While it’s great to socialize, spending time alone is equally necessary. It’s easy to get out-of-touch with ourselves. We have busy schedules and spend time on Smart Phones – checking Facebook, and reading whatever is entertaining. Spending time with people and with yourself is great depending on what’s necessary to yourself at times.

I would recommend anyone to take some distance from technology for at least a portion of the day. The news is filled with propaganda, arguments, and drama. It’s hard to get away from stress when the world seems to thrive upon it. It doesn’t take much for anyone to get involved with the troubles of someone else’s life. Additionally, living vicariously through the life of another is just as dangerous.

It’s necessary to get in touch with ourselves and away from the conditioned system of how we're supposed to behave. When you see children act, they are unapologetically themselves. They don’t think about think about how others are going to perceive them. They let their imaginations run wild. It isn’t until later in life that we our conditioned to fit into a kind of socially polite behavior which restricts our personality.

This isn’t to say that we aren’t to be responsible or do whatever we please regardless of consequence. I believe that we are all morally responsible and held accountable for our actions. However, we need to let ourselves be unique in the way we interact with others and how we express ourselves.

We shouldn’t idolize pop stars or try to be like whoever is popular. It’s important to be a good role model, but role models should set a good moral example of being a person - not somebody to precisely imitate. You were created to be exactly who you are. Being unique as a person is what is going to be most beneficial to the world and most liberating for yourself.

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