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Being in the Moment

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Being in the moment may feel like an overused saying, and it risks sounding cheesy. However, no matter how common or overused this saying becomes, its importance still remains. Being in the moment is so powerful but it’s also hard to stay in the moment when there are a million things calling out for your attention. Plan well and you will be able to remain calm, focused, and in the moment.

The benefits of remaining in the moments are worth the effort. When we fully understand the benefits of doing something, we’re more likely to prioritize it and stay consistent.

Being in the moment allows you to be more genuine with yourself and others. While this sounds like a good thing to everyone, sometimes it can be quite painful. If you are dealing with a hurt or a loss, we often want to hide those feelings and burry them deep within ourselves. We often don’t like when others can see us hurt. However, it is a normal part of life to go through pain, and we need to be in the moment to respect and allow the healing process to work in us.

Being in the moment allows you to connect better. When our minds get busy, we can easily go into auto-pilot mode. We tend to make the same reactions, say similar things, and do what is generally expected of us. If we actually are fully present, we will respond to others in a deeper, more genuine way. We then allow ourselves to interact with a clear mind.

With a clear mind, you are able to handle opportunities more effectively. Being intentional with how we make decisions is necessary in order to be efficient in development. A distracted mind can cause complications and mixed messages without us even being aware of it.

To remain consistent with being in the moment, we need to deal with situations and feelings as they come to us. If the situation at hand requires further thought, then write out on a planner when you will take care of it. The less organized you are, the easier it is for your brain to fatigue in trying to remember those things.

Furthermore, we need to respect and process feelings as they come. Sometimes, we may need to step away from a difficult situation because our emotions are too strong. It’s fine to take the time to process those feelings, but make sure that they are dealt with. Suppressed feelings cause us to be suppressed people. Respect the process of recovery and take time to yourself when it’s needed.

We often think that we are weak for feeling hurt, anger, or jealousy. These are natural feelings that we may deal with. You are not defined by those feelings. It’s after you acknowledge that you feel badly in which you can begin to work through those feelings properly.

We’re not perfect people, but we can give those difficult feelings to God when we don’t know how to process those feelings ourselves. When God takes our troubles, it relieves us from over-thinking the problems and trying to figure them out when it feels overwhelming or too complicated. Remain in the moment and you’ll more easily be a genuine person for yourself and for others.

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