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A Positive Mind

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Everyone knows that staying positive is a good thing, especially in the face of troubles. However, it’s easier said than done and often times, negativity wears the mask of being practical. It’s easy for people to say that something can’t be done because it relieves them of the responsibility of actually moving forward, doing something, and risk failing.

A positive mind is powerful but it isn’t always easy to maintain. There are more than enough people out there who just like to put others down feed off of negativity. Negativity is addicting and it perpetuates itself. Negativity is an easy but cheap way to feel better about oneself because it requires little more than just a few harsh comments to achieve a big effect.

Staying positive, despite obvious difficulties, is what we should strive for. If we can see difficulties as opportunities that help us develop emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even physically, then we’re putting things in a more rounded and balanced perspective. A pessimist cuts opportunities short, whereas an optimist allows for challenges to sharpen one’s character.

The world is guaranteed to throw difficult problems and challenges your way. You can choose to be a victim, feel sorry for yourself, and spend your energy trying to avoid hardships. As an alternative, if you see a challenge as an opportunity to grow, you are not only accepting an inevitable reality head-on, you are allowing yourself be become stronger.

We shouldn’t make it our goal to live a life without challenges. While we may feel that we’re stuck with a specific problem, it’s important to remember that the problem is present to teach you something. Once you learn from the problem, then you move on. New challenges will arise, but the depth of your character has deepened as you overcome further, more advanced challenges.

A life without challenges makes for a weak person - there would be no reason to be strong if it isn’t necessary. Celebrities, who are incredibly rich, coddled, and taken care of very well at a young age, have the hardest time adjusting to real life challenges, especially after the pinnacle of their stardom begins to decline. Through life’s difficulties and hardships in which we learn how to grow from healing, and also create a balance of love, forgiveness, and respect.

Instead of focusing on how to get a burden taken from you, look for the strength to overcome a challenge. Often times, sitting still in silence, and being honest with your feelings, is the hardest challenge for some. It’s easy to become out of touch with our feelings if we have avoided properly accepting challenges and the feelings that arise within us as a result.

Trust that you will be taken care of. Take the time to respect the process, as some challenges take longer periods of time to work through. Fighting isn’t always necessary but acceptance is. Sometimes you just need to accept when you are weak, and let God step in for what you can’t do. We’re not perfect, and there is no need to be, but we can sure work at becoming better, more responsible, and mature individuals.

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