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The Problem With Being Comfortable

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

We often want things to work out perfectly, and we easily get upset when things don’t go according to our plans. More often than not, things aren’t going to work as we plan and we cause ourselves more stress if we’re unable to adapt to the reality of how life often goes. We shouldn’t make comfort, compliments, and happy moments our priority. It’s beneficial to focus our efforts more on doing what’s right as opposed to what’s convenient and comfortable.

When you focus on doing the right thing, it’s not always going to be well received. Other people are going to possibly get offended, angry, or upset with you because of the beliefs you hold – even if they are correct beliefs. We shouldn’t make comfort our goal or we will fall into being passive, people-pleasing individuals. Even though it may feel temporarily more comfortable, it’s an unsatisfying way to live.

This isn’t to say that we need to become arrogant, self-righteous, or believe that our opinion is more important than others. This is simply a message to find a balance and proceeding in doing what you believe to be right, even if the results are uncomfortable. The self-respect you obtain in the process will be much more valuable and rewarding compared to the facade of peace you’ve created from comprising your ideals.

It isn’t always easy to do the right thing, but others will see you as a more reliable person as a result. They know what to expect and can trust a person who shows integrity in standing by their beliefs. The friends you pull towards yourself as a result of your consistency are going to be much more genuine and make for deeper relationships as they are based on honesty.

Many people easily associate hard times and disagreements as bad things. There is always something important that can be learned from life’s challenges. You are not a bad person if you have a disagreement. Your personal comfort and the comfort of others is not the ultimate goal. Being honest, respectful, and explaining yourself well goes a long way into building understanding and positively affecting others – even if they don’t agree with you.

I recently had someone attack my photography in a very rude way. While this was initially upsetting, I knew that I needed to respond in love or things would easily get out of hand and an immature reaction would run a rampant and destructive course. I spent the time to send a polite e-mail in return, while remaining firm in explaining myself, addressing the issue of disrespect, and continued to share my thoughts without being overly emotional or defensive.

I questioned what the intentions were; I wanted to know and understand why there was so much hate behind his words. His further response remained disrespectful but he acknowledged character in my words and the choice to not respond in the same vein of hatred. I was under no obligation to appease him or justify my photography any longer, so I ended any further communication, as further correspondence would have been pointless. Some people simply want to fight, outlet their anger, and don’t have the intention to have an open mind– it’s their choice and you don’t need to fix them.

“Actions speak louder than words” is a phrase we’re all familiar with, and I couldn’t agree with it more. Your actions will say much more than mere talk. Follow what you say by what you do - then you will live with quality and character. Additionally, your ego is not what needs to be satisfied. You don’t need to change the world. Simply put God first, and do what is right, even through small daily actions - and you will find peace, even without perfection.

What we desire for ourselves isn’t necessarily what’s best for ourselves. We shouldn’t seek fame and fortune to be what guides our lives. Living a humble life, do what needs to be done, and you will be taken care of. May you find peace is doing what’s right - not comfort from doing what’s easy.

For further related read, please read A Positive Mind.

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