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Do What You Can

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

It may sound a bit bleak, but you only have a limit number of days to live. The energy we put into our jobs and everyday chores can often leave us feeling lethargic and lazy. Despite this, we need to step up and do what we can with this life so we live a life that’s fulfilling. While it’s easy to say that we’re too busy or don’t have the time, the truth is that we do have the time, we just need to prioritize.

Create a list of everything that you would like to do. It can be anything from writing a book to running a marathon. You don’t need to write out every detail on how you’re going to accomplish those things. However, it would be a good idea to write down the reason of why you want to accomplish those things. The more motivation and incentive you have for achievement, the more likely you’re going to spend the effort required and be successful.

When you create a list, choose one of those things and slowly start taking steps on making it happen. Don’t overwhelm yourself by demanding perfection or a remarkable performance in what you want to do. It’s easy to judge yourself too harshly when trying something you have little experience with. Just start by making steps forward in accomplishing that task, be patient, and know that perfection isn’t required.

Effort should be place on trying to enjoy yourself while you’re doing it. You will lose heart and give up if you begin to feel like the work you are putting in exceeds the rewards you will gain. While it’s not always fun to put in hard work, the end goal should be sufficient in providing the motivation you need to make you get through the tough parts.

While it may be fun at times to sit around, drink a beer, play games, or watch a movie, we may find ourselves losing respect for ourselves if our talents go to waste. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying life and having some fun, but it’s equally important to know that you are also utilizing your talents. Try something new, even if it is just a personal hobby for your own enjoyment.

For some of the thing I’ve tried, people could easily say those experiences were failures. However, nothing is wasted. An experience is often the most valuable thing you will gain from a new venture. Make a list, choose one thing, and start working to make it happen – you’ll be impressed by what unexpected opportunities, lessons you may learn, and talents you didn’t know you had until you give it a try.

For related reading, please check out The Value of Trying.

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