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Room for Growth

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

There are always respected artists that come to mind when we think about someone who’s mastered an art. However, the blessing and curse of art, or any pursuit, is that there is always room for growth. The mystery of art isn’t supposed to be found – it is only further deepened. Every artist knows that once a great piece of art is completed, there is always something more to be done. Accomplishments alone don’t lead to a sustainable and constant state of satisfaction.

Whether this is brought on by the desire to prove oneself or to explore the creativity that lies within, the desire to keep creating is an ongoing process. An artist may become quite proficient in a certain style, however there is always something to be explored within the volatile world of art.

The expression rings true, “It isn’t about the destination; it’s about the journey.” Life is made colorful through the pursuits we chase after. It isn’t about finishing and remaining satisfied with what’s been done in the past.

Life has the trait of continuity included in it. Even if we were to achieve the highest award for anything we strive for, there is always a feeling of “So, what’s next?” An athlete who once won the gold medal in the Olympics was once asked about his thoughts on winning the medal. The athlete had responded, “I wish someone told me that once you’ve reached the top, there’s nothing there.” It’s a sad but remarkable statement, to say the least. It tells us a lot about life, goals, and the journey that entails.

What does it mean to reach the top? Why do we try so hard? Perhaps it’s for a sense of dignity, purpose, glory, validation, etc. Life and its demands will likely never reach a point in which it feels like, “I’m satisfied with all I’ve achieved, and I’m done.” There is a constant sense of restlessness which gives us the positive push of always pursing higher ground but the dismay of never coming to a place which feels like enough is enough.

If we can learn to enjoy the journey, then we take the stress off of ourselves to solely reach a goal that cannot leave us satisfied. We can simply enjoy art for the sake of exploring a deeper part of ourselves. The deeper, intricate parts of our beings aren’t always able to be articulated through a conversation. Art is a medium that connects the unknown into a tangible existence.

We aren’t meant to remain dormant, silent, and reclusive. Art has the ability to draw out the deepest parts of who we are, even (or especially) in introverts. As we grow, the possibility for further expression within art grows. There is always room for growth.

For related reading, please check out: Get Creativity Flowing

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