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Get Lost

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Well, you don’t need to literally get completely lost, but getting out of your comfort zone or taking an adventure literally in the middle of nowhere can be a great experience for just about anyone. Getting “lost” is beneficial because you get completely involved in the moment – all your senses become active and engaged with the immediate surroundings. This can be accomplished through a variety of means.

Not only is nature exactly what everyone’s mind needs in a busy, often corporate day-to-day life, it’s the best way to get refreshed. Our minds still haven’t adapted to modern day living or the advances of technology. We still need time to be in the same environment as our ancestors were. It’s amazing that something so basic and natural as being outside is needed for our wellbeing. The simple things in life are truly the most valuable, even if our minds try to convince us otherwise.

Any event that puts us outside of our comfort zone is an opportunity to learn something new, even about the environment or about ourselves. If we find our everyday lives to be a bit boring, mundane, and too…ordinary, then perhaps it’s time to do something unusual. Some of the most interesting boundaries are found with even the slightest bit of adventure.

Some of the best memories I’ve had have come from unusual and unique experiences. When the mind is fully engaged, it holds a special place for those moments. The more the mind is completely engaged, the stronger the memory is from that experience. Feeling alive and exploring life is apart of the gift we’re given.

An experience that brings us outside of our comfort zone doesn’t need to be dangerous in order to be of value. Skydiving or extreme sports aren’t required to prove bravery or gain deeper insight into anything important. However, new experiences and a deepened zest for life are a great way to improve life.

Simply participating in interests, such as acting, musical performances, or giving a speech are great ways to begin getting involved with life outside of the normal usual comfort zone. The freedom of expression is up to you. This comes across as both terrifying and exciting at the same time.

It’s easy to get intimidated with new boundaries or from potentially getting embarrassed by trying something new. Life can always hold a new experience. Forcing yourself isn’t always helpful to being a better person, but sometimes it takes a push. There’s only one shot in this life, it’s in our benefit to make the most of it.

Who do you want to be? What steps do you need to become that person? A step-by-step process of thoughts can lead us to take those first decisions to become who we would like to be.

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