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Creative Calm

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

A creative calm is when the process and flow of creativity is effortless, relaxed, and natural. Being calm when creating is beneficial because it causes us to ruminate on ideas and allow them to develop. If an idea is rushed, we may put pieces into our projects that appear to fit, but if we had allowed thoughts to further develop and mature, we could be putting in the pieces that are meant to be there.

To get into this calm groove, the starting point is most important. We need to establish why we are creating art in order take the first step towards a direction. If we create art because we feel like we “have to” or that “we should” make art, then it’s not going to be a relaxing experience. Art isn’t always easy and fun, however, it’s much easier to find a flow when art is created for the sake of creating.

What’s difficult for artists, such as musicians, is that when they become commoditized and marketable, it can change everything. It’s not wrong to make money from art. However, when deadlines need to be met, advertising needs to be appealing, and a lot of people get involved, it may become difficult to keep a clear head.

Keeping a creative calm is an unusual state of mind to describe. It requires the balance of staying tuned into creativity and inspiration when it comes. It is equally important to not allow the desire to have an impressive creation overpower or rush the process of creation. It takes a certain balance of passion and patience to allow art to be created when it’s ready to be.

Many artists talk about how they didn’t actually create the art; it’s just something that came to them and they were the ones to document it. It’s interesting to think that we aren’t the original creators, but we’re more like the medium for art to bring itself into a physical existence. Perhaps it’s true that 90% of life is how you react to it and 10% is what actually happens to you.

Everyone has an opportunity to see something beautiful or to see something ugly based on the circumstances. If we realize that beauty can come from pain, then we’ve set ourselves up for success instead of failure. Problems are everywhere to be found, but so are miracles. They show up in everyone’s life. Perhaps if we just remain calm, patience, and attentive, then we can catch the messages that life sends us and turn it into a beautiful piece of art.

For related reading on cultivating creativity, please check out: Get Creativity Flowing.

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