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Politics & Faith

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

I typically avoid talking about politics, but I occasionally entertain the topic with close friends. However, due to the over-saturation of Face book posts I see online of people voicing their political opinions, I find it suiting to share why I never openly promote a campaign or participate in “hate posts” towards politicians I may find disagreeable. Additionally, I feel a responsibility to voice my beliefs, whether popular or not, in hopes of adding clarity in an otherwise confused and emotionally charged field.

Due to the lack of transparency in politics, we can’t be 100% sure of an outcome. Even if a candidate is a genuine person and they are earnest in what they advocate, they may find themselves needing to retract what they had stated simply because they don’t fully understand the nature, context, and resources available until they actually reach the oval office.

Due to a lack of a “perfect candidate,” voters may find themselves in a state of tunnel vision – holding onto a couple issues they may find most important, while ignoring the “bad stuff” that comes with the candidate. While it’s obviously impossible for a politician to cater to everyone’s need and preferences, people should not have to make moral compromises in hopes of a financially better country. Morals are the backbone to success, socially and economically.

What troubles me most about politics is that “popular” politics often most caters to a community hungry for their personal rights, which ironically, due to its nature, will impose on another group’s rights. You cannot stand for a cause or a belief without standing against another belief. Society cannot function properly when moral beliefs are held as relative, so that everyone can just simply make up what’s best for themselves. How can we function as one country, if we all function in isolation from each other and choose our own moral beliefs?

In the USA, moral relativism is tearing apart our country. Everyone wants the systems to favor him or her. We’re misguided in thinking that what we want for ourselves is the best thing for ourselves. Guidelines need to be followed in order to establish order and peace. Our forefathers were adamant upon this belief. Take a look at our history and how much emphasis is put upon the Christian faith as the foundation to the country. George Washington was quoted, “Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.”

People get sensitive because they believe the Bible is “not fair” or is "against human rights.” However, from greed and selfishness, we actually cause ourselves harm. Why wouldn’t we have orderly moral guidelines to follow in an orderly world? Morals simply can’t exist as a disordered or relative concept. Yet (most) everyone, Christian or not, have some kind of sense of right and wrong which they live their life.

Many terrible people and organized groups have done atrocities while claiming to be in the name of Christianity. What’s important to note, is the message of love that is the core of the Bible. Hate groups cannot be seriously taken as a representation of what God has intended for good living, simply because they added in God’s name into their personal agenda to look more dignified or morally responsible. People need to look into the Bible to find out what it means to live according to a moral standard and not base their opinion of the Christian faith on some hate group pretending to do something God would approve of.

If we don’t have God and morals as the foundation for prudent living, then we keep stepping towards collapse. Nations fall apart without a foundation. America is going to have to get back to prioritizing the beliefs of our forefathers if we are going to have any hope of a sustainable future.

For further related reading, please check out: Spring: Time For Change.

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