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When Diligence Pays Off

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Everyone loves a good worker. It’s not only annoying for a boss to catch a worker being lazy, it’s annoying to everyone else who has to work with that person. Some think it’s “good enough” to simply do the minimum amount of work necessary, look diligent while the boss is around, and go back to Facebook, online shopping, and reading gossip columns about whoever is famous at the time.

People are often more intuitive than we give them credit for, especially when it comes to covering up our feelings or trying to get away with something. Even if someone can effectively pull off “looking busy” in front of the boss and do the work on time, people can still feel that person’s energy. People can tell if you really enjoy doing the work or if you are just putting up with it so that you can get a hopefully easy paycheck.

I had an interesting experience that I had when I was in my early twenties, working at a shoe store. I was leading the store in sales and various other statistics that management cared about. However, while I didn’t mind selling shoes, I had a really irritating boss. She would blame the sales associates for her poor statistic rankings and would often unexpectedly verbally “discipline” the staff members. While there were some cases in which discipline was necessary, it was usually handled in a manner one could describe as overly dramatic, emotional, and harsh. Negativity was often integrated her style of communication and I slowly began to hate working at this store. Ultimately I couldn’t stand it anymore and I left in the middle of my work shift.

Ok, so what the point? The point is that even though I looked good on paper because of company statistics, the company’s management did not like me. Not just my boss, but my boss’s boss. When he would come in occasionally for company checkups, he had once requested that I not be scheduled to work on days when other company heads be present for performance reviews. He knew I hated it even though I tried to cover it up. But, no one could directly blame me since I was doing well on paper.

I could have been more diligent and quit before I reached my limit and walked out. However, I was young, needed the money, and didn’t know what other work I could get. The economy was bad at the time and getting a job was tough. I wanted to do my best but I was dying inside.

We can’t fake diligence; it has to come naturally. It’s diligent to do what you love and to do it well. Living for the paycheck is not diligent unless it’s absolutely necessary for survival. However, in that case, we can still find the will to be responsible and happiness in opportunity. Work is a gift and it shouldn’t be a burden.

Whether we provide for our families or for a better future, we should always work to make a difference in this world by being responsible with how we spend our time at work. Diligence pays off anytime you’re interacting with others while you’re doing what you love. People can feel that energy and people want to be around those who exude that positivity.

For further related reading, please check out: Simplifying Complexities.

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