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Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Reliable doesn’t need to look good or feel it has to dress to impress. Reliable knows what’s worthwhile and isn’t swayed by what’s fashionable or trendy. We can choose to rely on an identity for ourselves that isn’t invested in the temporary things of this world. Women who pride themselves on their beauty and men who build their confidence upon their wealth can have their world turned upside down in seconds. Banks can collapse, accidents happen, health and beauty deteriorate - what do we have to show for our lives after 70-100 years, if we’re lucky?

The greatest thing about being reliable is the security that it brings. Security, and the peace it brings are the greatest gifts you can receive. They permeate through our lives and put out a positive energy to others. Doing the right thing in life is not always easy, but making the right decision is usually clear if we choose to search for it. When we find ourselves in doubt or make mistakes, it can be frustrating, but there’s room for forgiveness in an imperfect life.

Being reliable doesn’t entail the roller coaster ride of constantly checking social status, how many Facebook likes you’ve received, how many Twitter re-tweets have been made, and so on. While we may all be conscious of our place in society, we have the choice to rest within God. Owning an identity in God is a way to solidify a feeling of being safe, protected, confident, and peaceful in all situations. Even when we have doubts and make mistakes, we can be assured that we are still loved.

However, there’s something exciting about the instant gratification of being noticed, appreciated, and complimented by others. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the attention and feeling good about ourselves. It just doesn’t need to be a necessity or life priority to achieve real validation. People who compliment you can change from one day to the next. If our confidence is floating in an ocean of opinion, subject to change from day to day, then we’re built upon nothing.

Everyone needs something. We're all in need of a reference point in order to accurately see ourselves in the big picture. It’s not something that we can make for ourselves and everyone has a different opinion of right and wrong. Sadly, we usually choose to go with the majority in most given situations. We can do better to brave the storm by establishing our identity before that storm comes. What better way to understand ourselves than go to the One who created us?

For further related reading, please check out: When Diligence Pays Off.

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