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I Have the Time

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Life is busy and there’s always an excuse for not doing the things you would like to do. Whether it’s reading a book, getting in shape, learning a language, playing an instrument or any personal interest – we all can find the time to do it. A full workday isn’t an excuse to be lazy. We can learn how to work within our schedule to accomplish what’s important to us. If work is demanding 10+ hours from you a day, then perhaps it’s time to look for a new occupation. Life is too short to waste building up someone else’s corporation at the expense of our own health.

I used to love spending (mostly wasting) my time on Facebook until my news feed became overly saturated with political commentaries. This was both a blessing and a curse. Tired from of all the banter, ranting, and overall craziness, it was time to spend my time doing something else. I was shocked not only with how much I was able to get accomplished, but also with how easily we allow ourselves to waste time. Even 10 minutes is enough time to memorize and learn at least 10-15 vocabulary words in a foreign language. Just think about how often 10 minutes goes by wasted throughout the course of one day.

That being said, it’s important to distress, but it can be done productively. It’s best when de-stressing can even be apart of a goal, such as getting fit. It’s not necessary to preach to you about the benefits of exercising – everybody knows, but not everybody makes time for it. De-stressing can either be done in a way that harmful, or it can helpful – such as exercise. Exercise helps the mind stay fresh and lessen our desires for late-night snacks, fast food, or other unhealthy indulgences.

Scheduling can be a drag when we don’t want to feel constricted to an exact systematic and repetitive routine. We’re not robots and we need some room for freedom and variety within a schedule. Making a list of daily priorities goes a long way into kicking out procrastination while keeping motivation and flexibility levels up. We can do the same daily activities, but allow the flexibility to do them in a different order. This allows flexibility by allowing ourselves to choose what we feel more inclined to do next.

Goals don’t happen through wishful thinking. We’re capable of doing more than we often give ourselves credit. We become more efficient learners through routine and practice. Just as we can’t lift much weight on the first day of exercising, we often can’t read for a long time or play much on an instrument. As time passes, muscles develop and we become sharper, better, and faster in what we pursue. It just takes one step to move forward and set out to accomplish our goals.

For further related reading, please check out: Good Socializing.

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