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Your Mind on Books

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A book is a wonderful place to allow your imagination to play and to allow a story to come alive on a personal level. In the sea of technology and stimulation of videos, music, Facebook posts, we are starting to become more dependent upon instant gratification. Our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, and the demand for interesting entertainment slowly becomes further insatiable.

Our minds on books allow the opportunity to engage our own imagination, as led by the author. Rather than being explicitly shown the images, you take part in creating them. The author allows you to make the story come to life. A book is a combination of effort between the reader and author – an engaging and creative form of entertainment. There’s nothing wrong with seeking entertainment, but there are different ways of engaging it, so we gain benefits, in comparison to mindless entertainment.

Entertainment can be a benefit when the creative mind is stimulated and engaged. Even some video games can require an unexpected level of creativity from the gamer. Of course, everything in moderation is key. A book, just as a video game, is only apart of our lives when we are reading or engaging in the game. However, our minds continue to carry on the benefits of that engagement.

Books can bring something to everyone. While I typically don’t read fiction or novels, I do enjoy reading self-help books and books about spiritual development. They are exciting topics for me, and I would love to be a counselor someday. Books are a shortcut to life-development. We can read the works of geniuses from every time period and learn what they have to say. We can easily step into the mindset of those who have gone through every walk of life and learn about their story. We have unlimited resources at our fingertips.

While Facebook and social media can be great for connecting to our friends and family, a lot of time can be easily wasted. One of my favorite ways to “productively waste time” is by reading topics and questions that people ask on Quora, a website dedicated to a community of people with both interesting questions and knowledge. Somehow, the moderators of Quora have managed to keep the quality of answers and contributors quite high.

It’s easy to develop tunnel vision in our lives. We often see the same things everyday, chat to the same people, and go to the same places. A book engages our minds, and may give us that push into the unexpected and extraordinary. There are more books in this world than we could count, but close friends are an excellent resource for recommendations. That recommended book just may deepen the friendship, as well as challenge the mind.

For further related reading, please check out: Finding the Best Job.

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