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Set the Sails

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

We can always learn something new – there’s no shortage of experiences to be had. The moment we start to settle into a routine and the days start to fly by, same as the day before, is the moment in which we need to change something. There are a million places to go in this world to experience something new. It doesn’t even have to be in a foreign country (although I’d highly recommend it), but there are likely more things to do within one’s own community than may be expected.

When people first get the urge to try something new, they don’t know exactly where to go or what to do. It’s easy to look to friends to recommend experiences or do what seems like the popular “outside the box” kind of experience. A vacation in an area heavily populated by tourists is not the same experience as taking the road less traveled. If it sounds too scary, then take a friend with and if you happen to get lost, then make the most of it - it’ll make for a great story later. As a disclaimer, I’d recommend doing research so to be as informed and safe as possible against potential dangers or getting scammed.

Brainstorm ideas by looking at personal interests and tracing the details around it. If one were to enjoy martial arts, it would be a great experience for that person to attend a match in the home country of where the martial arts had originated. If one really enjoys reading books, then joining a local book club can add an additional level of enjoyment by connection and discussing ideas and thoughts with others. If one enjoys certain food, then a visit to the originating countries of those foods can help one to understand the process, the authenticity and the history behind how it was created.

The travelling is worth the experiences. If one interest is pursued, then the door is opened to other related interests. I realized that I spent about half of my twenties while living in Korea. Time spent in Korea has led me to some unusual friendships, conversations, and situations. Also, I’m married to a lovely Korean woman and have a baby girl coming in late May! I can’t say that I planned that, but I couldn’t be happier. Living internationally has been both fun and interesting - it’s difficult for me to think about my life having gone any other way.

When life is interesting and interests are being engaged, depression begins to disappear. We actually look forward to what we do instead of worrying about what we have to do. When we do what we love to do, the world become full of possibilities and life begins to seem fun, when it may have previously seemed to be filled with bills and responsibilities.

No travel should be considered indulgent, frivolous, or a waste of money – even if plane ticket prices may tell you otherwise. It’s an investment to developing a deeper understanding of the world we live within. What better way to live life than through experience, understanding, and adventure?

For further related reading, please check out: Your Mind on Books.

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