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"A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

When we see a photograph, it should stir some kind of emotion within us. The beauty and curse of a photo is often caused from knowing the absence of our presence is separate from that moment, but we feel a connection to it. It’s easy to feel distant, as if a third party viewing something vicariously. However, sometimes the photographer feels the same way. A photo can create a kind of stillness that is external from the moment. A photographer can feel beauty that is unfelt at the moment but captured within the perfection of the moment.

Perhaps the previous sounds a bit complicated, but a photo creates a story of it’s own. Maybe a photography is said to be worth a thousand words simply because it can be a channel for anyone to create and express a kind of story through a personal sort of interpretation. The subtleties and details are open for us to explain, although we can’t fully articulate exactly what it is.

There’s something unusual about language, photography, and art. There’s ability for expression, but that expression is often usually in hopes of reaching the intangible - the things we feel, but cannot fully express. They’re created in hopes of pursuing the mystery – an urge to bring understanding to that which we feel but cannot entirely explain.

Life is unique to every individual, yet we feel connected to each other. It’s interesting how we want to share those unique experiences through art simply because we want to communicate and express ourselves. It’s further interesting how art exists in the first place. Although there are people who have various backgrounds, different talents, abilities, and capacity for understanding – we all can learn something from the arts.

Math and science have their definite boundaries, although expanding, they work within absolutes. Art, however, has no absolutes - art will always carry on, deepen, and grow, simply because it has no bounds of being comprehensively grasped.

Musically, you can play within the range of the keys A-G. Those are only 7 chords you can choose from with their minors and variations. However, music is endless, it always finds new ways of expression. Personally, when I hear Pink Floyd, I sometimes think that everything I’d want to write has already been done. However, you have your own tune to play, it’s bound to strike a chord with someone, somewhere.

The picture you create, the song you sing, or the poem you write may bring something unexpected to the table. You never know whom you may influence or what good you may put into the world - don’t let inexperience hold you back. Trust your own experience and express yourself.

For further related reading, please check out: Set the Sails.

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