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Rejection Can Be Good

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Most everyone hates rejection on some level. It’s painful, our ego can get hurt, and we want to look good in front of our colleagues, friends, and family. However, if we fear rejection, than we risk hiding ourselves away and never trying because we may fear that rejection is a possible outcome. It’s truly an art for someone to stay confident and remain unmoved when rejection comes.

Rejection can good when it causes you to stand up for your beliefs. Not everyone is going to listen to you or respect your opinion. If we stand for something, then there a high chance that somebody, somewhere is going to be opposed to whatever that may be. It’s in these times that we begin to learn what we really believe and learn how to stand up for it. Arguments and debates should allow us to research and analyze our beliefs. If you lose an argument, then there’s nothing wrong with making a mistake, changing yourself, getting on the right path, or simply becoming more informed.

Rejection helps us understand who we are. Personally, I wouldn’t want to fit in with certain demographics. If I were welcomed within a criminal community or among a fraudulent business, then that would probably be due to my own behavior and character. We can’t please everyone because everyone doesn’t hold the same values and beliefs that we do. As a side note, disagreement of beliefs and values does not mean that disrespect or unloving behavior is involved by association. We should still be loving, patient, and understanding, even when it may feel near impossible to do so.

Rejection builds character. We don’t need the validation of others in order to be successful and do great things. Even well meaning people may show their disapproval. As long as you arrange your groundwork within morally sound truth, then you’re good to go. Just be quick to admit mistakes and faults along the way. Confidence is not to be confused with arrogance. If we begin to confus

e the two, then we can pray for understanding and wisdom, and be on our way with a clear conscience

There will be moments in which we are unpopular. There will be times everyone may think you didn’t do such a great job. However, opinions and moments are temporary. The position of our heart is what is going to have lasting consequences. Life is meant to be lived, and God provides for those who take a risk for the sake of passion and love. Feel free to take a step out.

For further related reading, please check out: Be Brief, Be Brilliant, Be Gone.

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