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"It's Unfair"

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Life doesn’t always play fair, and it can be quite frustrating. Having a strong sense of justice is important, but it can also lead to exhaustion. It can be annoying to see the undeserving get rewarded and watch those with integrity, dedication, and hard work go without rewards. While it’s nice to get a pat on the back and hear that we’re doing a great job, it isn’t an important priority.

We get caught in a self-made prison when we seek validation from others. Of course, it’s disappointing to not get the raise we’ve worked hard for, get the exact working hours wanted, or having to delay the needed vacation. But, that’s life, and we grow into stronger people when we are delayed gratification. Life isn’t about being comfortable and being told we’re important. Life is about doing the right thing when nobody is looking or going to notice. Internal, over the external, is what brings deeper satisfaction.

When we do what we love, we’re less bothered by the concept of getting “what we deserve.” Leonardo DiCaprio is an incredible actor – he could have gotten an Oscar for a large number of his past works in acting. In an interview, he simply said that he loved acting, and he wasn’t concerned much with getting an award. It was secondary for him.

It’s true, too. People know that he is gifted, skilled, and a passionate actor doing what he loves. Even if we don’t get the rewards, we don’t need them because we’re already doing what we love. It seemed quite anticlimactic when he had received the Oscar for “The Revenant.” Although I can’t give a full opinion since I haven’t seen the movie, it felt like they had given him the award because it was time for him to win an award for something.

When we choose to make something “unfair,” we then make ourselves the victim. Rather than growing from obstacles, which we all have, we put ourselves in a place of weakness. Everything is in the mindset. Every successful person knows that hardships and trials have brought stronger resilience, and a passion to succeed. Life certainly doesn’t just hand us things, and it shouldn’t – we need to work for what’s meaningful and learn to succeed despite inevitable setbacks.

While some people may seem to have an unfair advantage: money, family status, skin color, etc., there is always a way to overcome those who seem to have a head start. Usually the strongest and most notable characters in sports, politics, music, and any influential position has overcome substantial hardships and have gone against all odds because of their passion to succeed and see their dreams come to fruition. There’s no excuse for not being successful. Go out and do what you love.

For further related reading, please check out: Priorities.

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