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Love and Hate of Perfection

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Anyone could do an excellent job, excel within their environment, but still be annoyed with the outcome. Why? It’s because we all know that somebody, somewhere could do a better job. The key word is “better” - nobody can do a perfect job. To be flawless is to be consistently perfect. While we all love to be good at something, it’s unavoidable that we’re going to make mistakes, no matter how advanced we become.

Perfection is a curse. The mindset behind the glass half empty or the glass half full couldn’t be any more applicable than it is with this concept. We may be tempted to think that because we aren’t the best, we’re better off not trying at all. Or, on the other hand, we can focus on what ability we’ve developed and take joy in the fact that we are capable of doing something useful, and have room to advance.

Love and passion are a result of enjoying the outcome of what is pursued. It’s great to have goals in mind, but absolutes are impossible. Many things in life is too relative. We need to find a cause that is higher than our temporary selves or all is lost. Even if we do attain perfection, old age and death would inevitably come and cause us more despair. The temporary nature of this life keeps us understanding that we’re not meant to build our own kingdoms here.

Time is the blessing and curse of life. Life is an open book. We can do what we want with it, but it all amounts to nothing in the end. Emperors and rulers of past have created large monuments to preserve their legacy. Pyramids and statues still do not last forever.

Before this gets to depressing, there is a comforting aspect this reality. Life is about the experiences we enjoy and the relationships we build. There isn’t a deeper satisfaction than a real connection, whether it’s spiritual, emotional, or physical. While this life is temporary, it’s meant to be so. The physical life we live is just the outside. While it’s immensely beautiful and profound, we often find it so hard to let go.

I don’t believe it’s all for loss. I believe eternity is placed in the heart of everyone. Everyone deep down knows that they will last forever. It’s just a mistake to believe that it’s going to be in this world. What we believe determines the steps of our future. Perfection isn’t required, but a mind seeking truth will lead to peace.

For further related reading, please check out: Those We Let In.

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