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Alive or Hiding?

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

The only thing worse than a good and confident person dying young is seeing a good person live to an old age without having realized his or her own potential. Most people are scared of death, but it’s a greater shame to be scared to live. Are we really living or are we just hiding in the shadows, hoping that nobody notices us; trying to get by?

In life, we’re often told to be kind, agreeable, and to contribute to society. Those aren’t always bad things, given the right situations. However, if we’re going to stand for something, it means that we’re going to be against something. We’re going to be an enemy to someone, somewhere. The goal of life is not to be nice - otherwise we will be pushed and pulled in all directions, hoping that everybody agrees with us. Ultimately, we have to be comfortable with knowing we’re going to make people angry about our ideas and choices.

How do you know if you’re alive unless if you feel hardships? Life isn’t a TV show in which the hardships have the life lessons explained a couple episodes later. Life sometimes gives us hardships and difficulties that last a long time. Life isn’t easy, but it’s not supposed to be a walk in the park. Not everyone that smiles is a happy person. Sometimes people just feel like smiling is the expected thing for them to do.

No one wants to look weak. It’s hard to come clean and tell someone you’re having a hard time. It’s natural to everyone, and pride gets in the way. The only time we are really weak is when we can’t be honest. Having hardships doesn’t equate to being weak, it’s a process we all go through. Some handle it differently, but some of the happiest looking people are terrified inside.

Jim Carey is known for his slapstick comedy, however he has battled depression for his whole life. Robin Williams was an A-list actor; he proved himself in comedy and in drama, but he ended his own life. It doesn’t matter how deep our credentials go – if we’re not happy with ourselves, then we must keep searching.

Pursuing ourselves is an endless process. If it seems too easy for the guy, then you don’t know what his life is about – or he may not know what his life is about. Maturity comes through trials; we all go through them to become stronger.

For further related reading, please check out: Reconciliation.

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