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Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer

Success is never found in safety. Life is ironic sometimes, and the game of finding a balance takes a long time to get “good” at. Often times, it’s hard to tell how much we’ve developed at something. There’s always more to learn and higher places to go. Success is never an ending point - it’s more of a process.

After struggling for months to keep finances afloat, I landed a job that impressed a major company. They were so happy with my services that they are interested to have me work with them again in the future for international jobs. This is literally a dream come true. Initially, with all the odds going against me, I was finally able to pull in more money than my daytime job, do what I love, and also travel while doing it.

I don’t say all of this to brag. I know that God helped all of this to come together. I’m grateful to be blessed and to be led into these opportunities. Sometimes the best opportunities come from taking chances that seem irresponsible. However, we need to put our trust in those situations, and know that life isn’t meant to be played safe all the time.

The biggest difference between being foolish and taking a chance is preparing yourself for the outcome. A fool will drive himself into poverty due to a lack of understanding and judgment. Taking a chance is knowing that you could take some damage, but that the experience gained is worth it. Even failures are necessary in order to get ahead.

If we play it safe all the time, then we just become average. There isn’t anything inherently wrong with being average, but is that where we are supposed to be? If there is a calling for us that goes beyond the typical 9-5 job, then we have to find a way to bring it into reality. Life takes creativity. There isn’t a formula for success, but it takes passion and dedication. Everyone’s journey is different, unique, but just as valuable, no matter how long it takes to reach.

If I could go back in time, I wonder what I would say to myself. Sometimes, I think I would just let myself be, and let myself figure it out. I’ve gone through some painful times, but I don’t think I could reach the same level of compassion that I have now if it wasn’t for those times. Not all hardships are for loss. They bring us a further appreciation and development for the best in life.

For further related reading, please check out: Alive or Hiding?

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