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A Good Place to Be

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer

It’s fun going to weddings and meeting people during times of celebration. Photography is fun because I capture memories for people during their special events. It’s a joy for me to be apart of that time – even though I don’t know some of my clients personally before I photograph them - afterwards, I feel a connection from being present and sharing those events and celebrations with them.

Life is a good place to be. When we go through the valleys of life and low times, we would benefit to remember that the potential for higher growth is made possible during those times. The spectrum of life merely increases as we go through highs and lows. Discipline isn’t easy, but it’s necessary to go through difficulty, trials, and frustrations in order to fully appreciate and understand the depth of the good that comes our way.

When we are young, it’s easy to chase after pleasure. While pleasure feels great, it doesn’t provide us with growth. We’re stubborn creatures, and motivation doesn’t often come to us when everything is handed to us easily. The moment we feel desire is the moment we begin to take on a challenge to obtain what it is we seek.

What’s interesting to note about pleasure and seeking it as an end goal, is that it doesn’t satisfy. There is always somewhere higher to go. For an innocent example – let’s say I love pizza. If I eat pizza once every two weeks or month, then I’m quite happy and it tastes delicious. However, if I eat pizza three times a day, it would quickly become sickening. Not only would I get sick of pizza, but I would feel upset that something that normally brings me pleasure now no longer brings me any happiness. This same concept can apply to all kinds of addictions.

Rewards should be had. A life deprived of rewards leads to depression and burnout. For me, I know that soft drinks are bad for my health. However, I enjoy them in moderation. While I wish that I could just not drink them altogether, they are something that I enjoy. There’s no reason for me to be overly strict, because if I didn’t have soft drinks, then I would probably indulge in something else. Too much restriction can lead to over indulgence.

We need to remember to reward ourselves - life is meant to be enjoyed. Our physical bodies are not permanent. As long as moderation is practiced, we shouldn’t feel guilty for being human. We all have a need to destress ourselves. We’re not built to be perfect – no one is. The sooner we can come to terms with that reality, and accept our imperfections, the sooner we can excel in our talents. A clear mind is an effective mind, so treat yourself well.

For further related reading, please check out: Welcome to the New.

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