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Your Potential

Steve Sherk Photography - Seoul Photographer Korea

Are you getting what you want out of life?

That’s a big question, and often we don’t know exactly where to start when we try to analyze our life objectively. However, we all have a sense deep down inside of ourselves of whether or not were living up to our potential. There are endless options, passions, and dreams we can pursue, there’s really no boundary that can be set on ourselves. While that may feel overwhelming to some, it should be encouraging if looked at properly.

We’re built to progress. If we could only master just a couple of things, then we would feel sad without having anywhere to advance afterwards. We don’t need to be the best at everything, but we do find satisfaction in being able to do something well and being able to contribute to others as a result.

Often, we waste a lot of time. We have more time than we often think we have. Even fifteen minutes of time can offer as a great opportunity to do something, such as read or learn something new. The moment we stop learning and moving forward is the moment we begin to be stagnant. Life is either moving forward or moving backwards, its not in life’s nature to give us an idle moment.

However, an idle moment is often what we need – not because it allows us to be exempt from responsibility, but it allows us to clear our minds a bit. Being “in the moment” is a common expression heard by those who enjoy meditation. However, you don’t need to be dedicated to the practice of meditation to benefit from being in the moment. Simply pay attention to what’s happening and don’t go lost in preconceived notions.

Being in the moment allows us to move forward. It keeps the baggage of the past where it should be. When we allow ourselves to be fully present, then we can effectively move forward. Our potential gets nowhere if we keep thinking “I should have (fill in the blank).” That leaves us sad about the past. The past could always be viewed in a negative light – even if we made the best choices at the time. The trick is to do what you can now – that’s the only thing we can do something about.

At any point in our lives, we can always do something and learn something. Even if we feel too old, age may offer some valuable wisdom that a younger, creative person may be too inexperienced to understand.

Over time, hard work will beat talent. I’ve read stories of people with very high IQs, and the stories of their lives affected me in an unusual way. Many of them said that they felt bored and didn’t have direction despite having an advanced understanding of things. They wouldn’t be fruitful with the amazing gift they’ve been given. Those talented with high intelligence could work hard if they knew where to direct their passion and talents. Our potential is something we should utilize to the maximum - try to learn something new everyday and see how you grow.

For further related reading, please check out: A Good Place to Be.

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